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Geoheritage management

conservation, promotion and monitoring


EGU Training School


24-28 September 2018

University of Minho, Portugal



Geoheritage management

conservation, promotion and monitoring


EGU Training School


24-28 September 2018

University of Minho, Portugal



Geoheritage management

conservation, promotion and monitoring


EGU Training School


24-28 September 2018

University of Minho, Portugal



The number of geoscientists interested in geoconservation is increasing making it one of the most attractive and innovative fields in geosciences.


At University of Minho, the first works concerning geoconservation were developed in 1996 in the Earth Sciences Department though it was only in 2005 that a major step was taken by this university with the creation of the master course on Geological Heritage and Geoconservation, the only post-graduation degree in the world totally dedicated to this domain. This experience on geoconservation education has been motivating internationalisation with other universities with students and staff exchange.

The University of Minho is engaged with geoconservation teaching at the PhD level with several theses been produced during the last years. An online course on geoparks is also available (here) to provide the conceptual bases on geoparks, present initiatives to be developed in geoparks and discuss examples of sustainable actions with real impact in these territories. 

The main objective of this Training School on Geoheritage Management is to present and discuss the specificities regarding geoheritage management, namely in conservation, promotion and monitoring of geosites and sites of geodiversity. Understanding these management tasks and learning from successful examples are essential tools in any geoconservation strategy and in the establishment of priorities in site management.

This is the first training school of its kind sponsored by EGU. It is organized by the Institute of Earth Sciences (pole of the University of Minho) with support from ProGEO (European Association for the Conservation of Geological Heritage) and from the International Association of Geomorphologists "Geomorphosites Working Group".  


The training school is addressed to everyone dealing with any topic related to geoheritage and aiming to know more in these subjects. However, it is especially addressed to early career scientists (35 years old or younger) and undergraduate or postgraduate students (who obtained her/his highest degree qualification within the last two years).  



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